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What should I do if my package is marked as delivered but I can’t find it?

Navigating Missing Packages: A Comprehensive Guide

If you’ve ever eagerly anticipated a package, only to be met with a notification of its delivery without any sight of it, you’re well aware of the exasperation it can bring. In this article, we will delve into the common causes behind undelivered packages and the proactive steps you can take to trace your elusive delivery.

Verify the Shipping Address

Before succumbing to panic, it’s prudent to meticulously double-check the shipping address. Errors, whether typographical or systemic, could result in the package being delivered to an unintended location. Ensure that the shipping address is accurate, encompassing even the minutiae like apartment or suite numbers.

Consult with Neighbors or Colleagues

In cases where you share a delivery locale with neighbors or colleagues, it’s worth reaching out to inquire whether they may have inadvertently received your package. Occasionally, delivery mix-ups occur, leading to a misdirected package.

Inspect Unconventional Delivery Spots

Examine all conceivable locations where the package might have been left, even those you wouldn’t ordinarily expect. This includes inspecting bushes, alternative doorsteps, and any secure hiding spots like mailboxes or designated package lockers. Occasionally, carriers opt for unconventional placements for security reasons.

Engage Directly with the Carrier

After you’ve exhausted your initial inquiries and still find your package eluding you, it’s time to directly contact the carrier. Furnish them with the tracking number and any additional details that could aid in locating your package. Typically, carriers will endeavor to reattempt delivery within a few business days post a “delivered” status, so exercise patience.

Initiate a Missing Mail Search Request

Should the days pass without the package’s arrival, initiating a missing mail search request becomes a viable course of action. USPS provides specific forms for such requests, while carriers like DHL may necessitate a formal investigation for lost packages. Although this process may demand several days, it’s a worthwhile pursuit in the quest to recover your package.

Leverage Silque’s Support

In your quest to locate your package, remember that Silque is here to offer assistance. You can readily reach out to them via email and we will extend their utmost effort to aid you in the search.

Key Points to Remember

  • Scrutinize the shipping address to ensure its correctness.
  • Communicate with neighbors or colleagues for any inadvertent package acceptance.
  • Thoroughly inspect both expected and unconventional delivery locations.
  • Engage the carrier directly, providing tracking details and pertinent information.
  • Initiate a missing mail search request if your package remains elusive beyond the specified business days.
  • Silque stands ready to provide further assistance.


Receiving a delivery confirmation sans the package itself can be an irksome ordeal, but it’s important to acknowledge that various factors may contribute to such situations. By meticulously verifying the shipping address, coordinating with neighbors or colleagues, liaising with the carrier, and potentially initiating a missing mail search request, you enhance your prospects of reunification with your package. Patience is key, and in the event that all else fails, remember that Silque remains at your service, ready to offer their support.